The European (In)fertility Week has started – join us!


Poštovane, poštovani,

danas je započeo Europski tjedan (ne)plodnosti / European Fertility Week 2024!

Ove godine tjedan (ne)plodnosti obilježavamo kampanjom Fertility Europe koja se provodi u više od 30 zemalja. Pozivamo Vas da pratite EFW2024 kampanju na našim kanalima – Roda Plodnost na Facebooku i Instagramu – te da slobodno koristite i dijelite objavljene informacije i materijale na stranicama vaše klinike.

Tijekom ovog tjedna Roda će predstaviti i dvije novosti vezane za donaciju gameta i zametaka u Hrvatskoj:
  • Izdajemo brošuru “Donacija spolnih stanica i zametaka: Tvoj vodič za prve korake na putu prema roditeljstvu”
  • Pokrećemo grupe peer-to-peer podrške pod vodstvom Rodinih edukatorica: grupe za osobe zainteresirane za ove postupke te grupe za roditelje djece začete uz pomoć donacije gameta i zametaka
Sretne smo što Vam možemo predstaviti prvi informativni vodič za pacijente o donaciji spolnih stanica (jajnih stanica i spermija) i zametaka u Hrvatskoj. Vodič-brošura moći će se preuzeti na Rodinim stranicama, a primjerak u PDF-u šaljemo Vam prije javne objave – u prilogu ovog maila. 

Brošura će se koristiti za informiranje pacijenata i tijekom sljedeće godine. Voljele bismo čuti Vaše mišljenje o sadržaju brošure i koristi za Vaše pacijente. Biste li bili zainteresirani za tiskane primjerke brošure za čekaonicu u Vašoj klinici?


U sklopu grupa podrške, organizirat ćemo periodična gostovanja domaćih i stranih stručnjaka u ovom području – nadamo se da ćete se i Vi odazvati našim budućim pozivima za gostovanjem.

Program (Ne)plodnost i medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja  I  (In)fertility & Medically Assisted Reproduction Program
Žerjavićeva 10, HR-10000 Zagreb
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Measuring success in IVF is a complex multidisciplinary task: time for a consensus?


The goal of an IVF cycle is the birth of at least one baby per intention to treat. However, IVF cannot confer
competence on an embryo, but only can provide each couple with a safe treatment to meet a predetermined chance
of success. This commentary highlights how clinical, financial and patient-centred perspectives should be included in
the definition of success in IVF. The primary outcome, which is the cumulative live birth delivery rate per intention to
treat, must always be complemented by analyses of risks, costs and time invested, as well as by measures of patient
satisfaction. Finally, it is essential, whenever clinical conditions exist, to limit treatment discontinuation after failed
attempts. Constant monitoring of the data is pivotal and must be adjusted for patient characteristics and compared
with national and international registers. The authors aimed to review all these aspects and highlight the points that
are still open for discussion. Is it time for a consensus?

More here.

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Hybrid congress of Croatian Society of Clinical Embryologists (Thursday 09.10.2021.) – alive and online


Dear colleagues,

Now traditionally the activities of our societies are constant and every two years summarize the latter’s professional experiences and scientific facts from our propulsive and rapidly changing field. So this year we will organize a professional-scientific conference that will include all the changes in the profession, science and technology over the past two years and in these challenging times of the current epidemic. Our congresses will be held from 9th to 11th September in Opatija.

More about the program:…/207-5-kongres-hrvatskog-drustva…

HDKE hybrid congress (Thursday 09.10.2021.) will go both alive and online, and if you want to follow the program online, register at: and select in the drop-down menu Liječnici/embriolozi kotizacija za Izabrane teme iz kliničke embriologije / online u četvrtak 9.9.2021. – 300 kn / 42 EUR

Sincerely from us and we hope to see you in Opatija!

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HFEA: Fertility treatment 2018: trends and figures


HFEA izvještaji predstavljaju najozbiljniji pristup u obradi podataka iz područja ART-a.

Prema njima:

– šansa za rođenje djeteta nakon prvog IVF pokušaja u žena do 35 godina starosti je oko 30%

– šansa za rođenje djeteta u žena starosti 40 – 44 godina je 10%

– šansa za rođenjem djeteta u žena starosti 45 i više godina je praktički 0%

– korištenjem doniranih oocita live birth rate za sve dobne skupine je 30%!

HFEA objavila izvještaj za 2018.

Izvještaj u .pdf-u.

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Free IVF Training from


EmbryoDirector is commited to coaching, instruction and creating a learning environment to grow.
5 Free IVF Course Modules Available:

Andrology Module

Blastocyst Biopsy Module

ICSI Module

INVO Cell Module

Vitrification Module

For more modules visit International IVF Initiative

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HFEA update


More here.

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ESHRE COVID-19 working group


The resources created and assembled by the working group can be found on a dedicated page on the ESHRE website:
We have recently updated the following documents and information:
– The ESHRE statement on Assisted Reproduction and COVID-19 (update of 17/4/2020)

– Questions and answers for professionals, and for patients

– A report on how COVID-19 affected MAR/ART centres in Europe and a map representing the current situation

– The link for case-reporting of COVID-19 infection in pregnant IVF patients
The ESHRE COVID-19 working group is currently preparing recommendations for clinics to restart ART treatments.
Please check the dedicated webpage for updated information in the future.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please send them through the form at the webpage.

Best wishes,

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