
Dear colleagues and friends,

It is our pleasure to invite you to a 2nd AI FERTILITY WORLD CONFERENCE, that will be held on Brijuni Island, September 18-21, 2024!

AI FERTILITY WORLD CONFERENCE is the only world conference with a focus on Artificial Intelligence in fertility treatment.

Our aim is to provide members of the fertility community a welcoming and fun networking and discovery event, where we can come together to learn and explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on human fertility.

This is a great opportunity to learn about the incredible research and technological advances that are happening in AI right now and

how this will, or already is, impacting human fertility treatment across the world.

The programme will include several inspiring presentations from field leaders and talks about new and upcoming AI-led research.

There will, of course, be opportunities to have interactive Q&A sessions with those at the forefront of research in Artificial

Intelligence and Fertility.

More about the Conference can be found on web site:

AI Fertility 2024

You can register and secure your ticket on the same web page!

Looking forward seeing you soon!


More information:
