Započeo je Europski tjedan (ne)plodnosti – pridružite nam se!


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danas je započeo Europski tjedan (ne)plodnosti / European Fertility Week 2024!

Ove godine tjedan (ne)plodnosti obilježavamo kampanjom Fertility Europe koja se provodi u više od 30 zemalja. Pozivamo Vas da pratite EFW2024 kampanju na našim kanalima – Roda Plodnost na Facebooku i Instagramu – te da slobodno koristite i dijelite objavljene informacije i materijale na stranicama vaše klinike.

Tijekom ovog tjedna Roda će predstaviti i dvije novosti vezane za donaciju gameta i zametaka u Hrvatskoj:
  • Izdajemo brošuru “Donacija spolnih stanica i zametaka: Tvoj vodič za prve korake na putu prema roditeljstvu”
  • Pokrećemo grupe peer-to-peer podrške pod vodstvom Rodinih edukatorica: grupe za osobe zainteresirane za ove postupke te grupe za roditelje djece začete uz pomoć donacije gameta i zametaka
Sretne smo što Vam možemo predstaviti prvi informativni vodič za pacijente o donaciji spolnih stanica (jajnih stanica i spermija) i zametaka u Hrvatskoj. Vodič-brošura moći će se preuzeti na Rodinim stranicama, a primjerak u PDF-u šaljemo Vam prije javne objave – u prilogu ovog maila. 
Brošura će se koristiti za informiranje pacijenata i tijekom sljedeće godine. Voljele bismo čuti Vaše mišljenje o sadržaju brošure i koristi za Vaše pacijente. Biste li bili zainteresirani za tiskane primjerke brošure za čekaonicu u Vašoj klinici?

U sklopu grupa podrške, organizirat ćemo periodična gostovanja domaćih i stranih stručnjaka u ovom području – nadamo se da ćete se i Vi odazvati našim budućim pozivima za gostovanjem.

Program (Ne)plodnost i medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja  I  (In)fertility & Medically Assisted Reproduction Program
Žerjavićeva 10, HR-10000 Zagreb
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Dear colleagues and friends,

It is our pleasure to invite you to a 2nd AI FERTILITY WORLD CONFERENCE, that will be held on Brijuni Island, September 18-21, 2024!

AI FERTILITY WORLD CONFERENCE is the only world conference with a focus on Artificial Intelligence in fertility treatment.

Our aim is to provide members of the fertility community a welcoming and fun networking and discovery event, where we can come together to learn and explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on human fertility.

This is a great opportunity to learn about the incredible research and technological advances that are happening in AI right now and

how this will, or already is, impacting human fertility treatment across the world.

The programme will include several inspiring presentations from field leaders and talks about new and upcoming AI-led research.

There will, of course, be opportunities to have interactive Q&A sessions with those at the forefront of research in Artificial

Intelligence and Fertility.

More about the Conference can be found on web site:

AI Fertility 2024

You can register and secure your ticket on the same web page!

Looking forward seeing you soon!


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IN MEMORIAM Tatjani Kniewald pionirki reprodukcijske biomedicine


U dubokoj žalosti želimo objaviti, da je diplomirana biologinja Tatjana Kniewald preminula 4. svibnja 2024..

Tatjana Kniewald bila je izuzetna osoba u svijetu reprodukcije biomedicine. Rođena, 20.05.1945. u Osijeku, nakon završene gimnazije upisuje eksperimentalnu biologiju na PMFu u Zagrebu. Studij nastavlja na bečkom sveučilištu, a diplomira na Friedrich-Aleksander Univ. Erlangen u Nürnbergu.

Na sveučilišnoj Klinici za ženske bolesti Erlangen bila je kao biologinja odlučujući dio tima pod vodstvom prof.dr. Siegfried Trotnowa, a zajednički rad bio je okrunjen rođenjem prve bebe u Njemačkoj metodom izvan tjelesne oplodnje 16.04.1982. Njezin rad i ekspertiza odlučujuće su pridonijeli tom uspijehu. Ta beba slavila je nedavno svoj 42. rođendan.

Tatjana Kniewald bila je angažirana i na izučavanju i razvoju tehnologije krioprezervacije. U suradnji s drugim znanstvenicima pridonijela je razvoju tehnologije kojom je omogućena pohrana jajnih stanica, spermija i ranih embrija.

Prvog siječnja 1986. zajedno s još dva ginekologa osnovala je prvi privatni IVF Centar u Würzburgu što predstavlja ogroman iskorak u svijetu izvan tjelesne oplodnje. Do svibnja 2005. vodila je svoj vlastiti laboratorij za reprodukcijsku biologiju u privatnoj klinici u Bawarskom gradiću Prien am Chiemsee.

Tijekom njezine izuzetne karijere pomagala je pri organizaciji i startu u više od 25 centara za izvantjelesnu oplodnju. Nebrojenim parovima pomogla je u njihovoj praiskonskoj želji za roditeljstvom. Njezina odanost i strast prema poslu te njezino široko znanje promjenilo je život mnogih parova. Tatjana Kniewald bila je počasni član Hrvatskog društva kliničkih embriologa.

Žalimo s brojnim kolegama, obitelji i prijateljima za jednom izuzetnom ženom čije će nam životno djelo ostati nezaboravno.

Počivala u miru.

Članice i članovi Hrvatskog društva kliničkih embriologa

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MAR is in the air! A Campus course on environmental quality in the lab


08-09 March 2024 | Ljubljana, Slovenia

This advanced course is aimed at delegates dealing with air and environmental quality management in the lab. In particular, delegates will broaden their knowledge on the assessment, classification and monitoring of air quality, with an emphasis on the prevention, detection and removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In addition, those interested in environmental monitoring in the lab will learn methods and frequency of microbiological testing. Finally, the course will offer an update on equipment and consumables management in the lab.

More information:

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7. Hrvatski kongres o reprodukcijskom zdravlju, planiranju obitelji, kontracepciji i IVF-u 23. – 25. 5. 2024.


Amadria Park hoteli, Solaris, Šibenik

23. – 25. svibnja 2024.


Prijavni obrazac i više informacija...

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Calendar Non-ESHRE events


4th Panhellenic Congress 2024
4th Panhellenic Congress of Reproductive Medicine

March 8-10, 2024 | Athens, Greece

5th International Congress EBART 2024

April 11-12, 2024 | Barcelona, Spain

14th Biennial Alpha Conference

April 11-12, 2024 | Lisbon, Portugal

GENES Conference

May 30 – June 1, 2024 | San Diego, CA, USA

46th International Dexeus Congress ART towards the future

April 25 – 27, 2024 | Barcelona, Spain

ASRM 2024

October 19-23, 2024 | Denver, Colorado, USA

4th International Conference on Gynecology, Obstetrics and Women's Health (Hybrid Event)

IFFS 2025
IFFS 2025

April 26-29, 2025 | Tokyo, Japan

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Welcome to the AI Fertility Society


Following the unprecedented success of the first AI Fertility conference that took place in Dubrovnik, Croatia in September 2022, and by popular demand, we are delighted to announce the inception of this new human fertility society. The AIFS (AI Fertility Society) will raise debate, push human interest and help shape the growth and development of Augmented Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, robotics, big data systems and future tech in the field of human reproduction.

As a society, we will continue to have biennial in-person conferences. In the interim year, we will aim for a virtual conference. Planning for the next in-person conference is already underway for September 2024, nestled in the grounds of one of Croatia’s most impressive national parks.

The AIF Society is the place to learn and explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on human fertility treatment across the world.

More information…

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ESHRE annual meeting 2024 in Amsterdam -Welcome !


In 2024, ESHRE will celebrate the 40th anniversary of its Annual Meeting. The Society’s first Annual Meeting was held in Bonn, in 1985. On that occasion the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology was officially founded. Four decades of impressive work on human reproduction call for a stand still on what has been achieved during these past 40 years and what is yet to come during upcoming years!

More information…

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Alpha Conference – Lisbon, Portugal, on 30 May – 02 June 2024.


I am delighted to announce that the next Alpha Conference will be held in the beautiful city of Lisbon, Portugal, on 30 May – 02 June 2024. The Organizing Committee has put together an exciting program, which covers many facets of human IVF and ART. As always, the program is designed to provoke thought and inspire debate and discussion of the hottest topics.

An impressive and international group of speakers will share their expertise with all of us, but we also encourage you to submit your own work for presentation during the meeting.

For those of you who were in Sevilla in 2022 or attended any of our other past events, you know that you will have an exceptional few days with us and experience the extraordinary collegiality that characterizes Alpha events. If you have not yet been to an Alpha conference, please JOIN US in Portugal for what promises to be a highly educational and enjoyable event!

On behalf of the Executive and Organizing Committees, we look forward to meeting you in Lisbon in 2024!

Mina Alikani, PhD, HCLD
President, Alpha Scientists in Reproductive Medicine

Source and more information:

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